Mathematics Enrichment at the University of Hertfordshire

On Wednesday 10th July, fifteen mathematicians visited the University of Hertfordshire for a maths enrichment event aimed at inspiring students to continue their studies in mathematics beyond GCSE.

Students had the opportunity to use their mathematics learnt in lessons to compete with other schools to solve unusual and challenging problems.

They also interacted with a talk that got students thinking about working mathematically in the context of braiding and computer game design.

The students had an excellent time. Efe said “I loved all of it! I wish I was faster on the dragon maths [relay race], because I found those fast questions fun, but I also loved the 2d projections of 3d and 4d shapes.”

The big question on the day was – using a single piece of A4 paper, what is the biggest cube by volume (without a lid) that can be constructed. All of the students were able to find the cube that was 7.4 x 7.4 x 7.4 cm. Efe had the creativity to realise that a larger cube could be found by using the diagonals of the paper which was an incredible use mathematical thinking.

The maths department look forward to running additional sessions in the new academic year.