Science Week 2023

The Science department celebrated British Science week 2023 with a full week of activities that were highly participated. From Year 7 to 6th form, a very high number of students participated in the different activities, that were delivered by our enthusiastic science teachers.

Ms Mpofu-Tavugara (AKA Professor Starlight) delivered a session called Methane bubble where she, literally, set arms (of the volunteers) on fire. Note, no one got injured.

Mr Bradley (AKA Professor Crackalackin) transformed our Science labs in space room controls, and the courts into our own rocket launch base. Loud explosions were heard.

As Science is not only fire, explosions and launching rockets, Ms Gaskin decided to bring some Biology and do some heart dissections. As a bonus, a brain was also provided for the activity.

Using a less conventional fuel, Mr Dingsdale (AKA Payload Commander Sherlock Ohms) used Alka seltzer tablets to power rockets made by students.

Mr Tewari (AKA Professor Subject Catalyst), decided to go big and squishy and invited students to produce elephant toothpaste (we can assure no one used them on their own teeth).

To complete the week in a relaxed way, Mr Araujo (AKA Dr Rock(y) Stardust) invited students to watch a NASA live stream from the ISS (unfortunately due to a signal loss, we were not able to watch it live, Instead we watch a recorded stream).

Another high of the week was the highly disputed Science quiz competition.

11S2 was the winner of the KS4 quiz and 9K1 the winner of the KS3 quiz.

We are already looking forward to celebrate British Science week 2024.