The Trustees make up the Governing Body of St Mary’s, which has fourteen members and is responsible for the strategic leadership of the School. Note: At St Mary’s our Trustees are known as Governors. The Governing Body consists of: Of these, the foundation governors consist of: All Governors are responsible for protecting the Christian ethos of the School and making sure that the School is promoting our distinctiveness as a Church School and St Mary’s Christian values in all aspects of the School’s work. Parents/Carers who are interested in being a governor at St Mary’s should contact the Clerk to discuss opportunities to join and/or support the Governing Body. The Clerk to the Governing Body is Mrs Judith Bundock who can be contacted at the school on 01992 629124. Any communication with members of the Governing body should be sent care of the Clerk to the School address, or on email St Mary’s CE Academy Trust has four Trust Members who are responsible for appointing the Trustees (or Governors) of the Academy. The current Members are: