Core PE
Physical Education plays a vital role in the development of young people. A healthy active lifestyle provides a wide range of benefits in all aspects of life.
As well as the obvious physical benefits, the subject promotes a range of social skills and encourages students to work together and develop leadership qualities. The Physical Education teaching and learning area is committed to teaching students why a healthy, active lifestyle is important and offering them guidance and opportunities to follow such a lifestyle. Students will be taught a wide range of physical skills and activities. They will be offered opportunities to develop these skills and apply them in a range of recreational and competitive situations. Our aim is to give every student a positive experience of sport and allow them the opportunity to develop this into a lifelong association with physical activity.
KS3 Core PE
Students receive two Core PE lessons per week in year 7 and 8 and two per fortnight in year 9.
Year 9 Option- PE and Sport – If students choose to study PE and Sport as one of their options in year 9, they study and additional 3 hours per fortnight.
Course Description
Students cover a variety of team and individual activities. This allows them to: use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents, develop techniques, understand and apply the long term health benefits of physical activity, perform dances using advanced techniques and styles and improve performance in a variety of sports and physical activities.
These consist of:
- Invasion Games
- Striking / Fielding Games
- Net / Wall Games
- Gymnastics / Dance
- Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Homework/Extended Learning
Students cover a range of theory content delivered through lessons and extended learning tasks.