Current Staff
No one forgets a great teacher and our school’s success is based on professionalism and the formal yet friendly relationship between pupils and our teachers. All staff have the interests of every child at heart, both in and out of the classroom.
Senior Leadership Team
Mr R Vaughan (RVA)
Head Teacher
Mrs A Grindley (AGR)
Senior Deputy Head Teacher
Mr S Tilbury (STL)
Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs E Watts (EWA)
Deputy Head Teacher
Mr C Lakole (CLA)
Deputy Head Teacher
Mr D Worker (DWO)
Deputy Head Teacher
Year Lead & Student Managers
Year 8
Mrs S Andrews (RWI)
Year Lead
Mrs K Hewitt (SDO)
Student Manager
Year 9
Miss R Willis (JCO)
Year Lead
Mrs S Downey (KWI)
Student Manager
Year 10
Mr J Compton (SAN)
Year Lead
Ms K Williams (KHE)
Student Manager
Year 11
Mr C Rammell (CRA)
Year Lead
Ms H Tennyson (HTE)
Student Manager
Year 7
Mr A Donghi (ADN)
Year Lead
Mrs S Nicolaides (SNC)
Student Manager
Sixth Form
Mrs G Mathews (GMA)
Director of Sixth Form
Mrs E Meads (EMA)
Head of Year 12
Mrs V Hunter (VHU)
Head of Year 13
Science and Technology
Mr M McDougall
Head of Science
Mr B Araujo (BAR)
KS3 Lead
Ms B Kumalo (BKU)
Head of Health & Social Care
Ms F Gaskin (FGA)
Ms S Mudadigwa (SMU)
Mr L Abbott (LAB)
Mrs J Madziva (JMA)
Ms N Mpofu-Tavugara (NMP)
Lead Practitioner
Ms E Sloan (ESL)
Mrs C Ogunwenmo (COG)
KS5 Lead
Mrs H Southgate (HSO)
Head of Textiles
Mrs R Riley-Paterson
Head of Food, Hospitality and Catering
Mrs Adu-Sarkodie
Ms M Foulger (MFO)
Mrs E Watts Deputy Head Teacher/ English and MFLEnglish and Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs H Ford (HFO)
Head of English
Mrs S Attard (SAT)
Lead Practitioner
Ms S Cahill (SCA)
Mr J Compton (JCO)
Ms Niccole Wilson
Miss K Freshwater (KFR)
Head of KS4 English
Ms E Chinnick (ECI)
Ms R Njenda (RNJ)
Mrs E Iniesta (EIN)
Head of MFL
Mr C Rammell (CRA)
Ms V Hunter (VHU)
Mrs A Karantoni (AKR)
Ms D Salgado (DSA)
Mrs A Johnston (AJO), Director of Maths and ICTMaths & ICT
Mr D Price (DPR)
Head of Maths
Ms S Abraham (SAB)
Lead Practitioner
Ms B Conway (BCO)
Ms R Naik (RNA)
KS3 Lead
Mrs C Siviter (CSI)
KS5 Lead
Ms E Vermeulen (EVE)
Ms L Osbourne
Miss M Jayasinghe (MJA)
Ms A Dowd (ADO)
Head of ICT
Mr S Anwar (ABE)
Lead Practitioner
Mr S Tilbury (STL)
Economics / Law
Mr J Ward (JWR)
Business Studies
Mrs C Achilleos (CAC)
Head of Business Studies
Ms K Johnson (KJO)
Business Academy Lead
Mr D Worker (DWO), Deputy Head Teacher/Humanities Line ManagerHumanities
Mr J King (JKI)
Head of History
Ms A Hughes (AHU)
Lead Practitioner
Miss A Soylu (ASO)
Ms L Douglas (LDO)
Head of Geography
Miss J Brooksbank (JBR)
Lead Practitioner
Mrs A Grindley (AGR)
Mr I Jordan (IJO)
Mr N Casimir (NCA)
Subject Tutor
Mr P Seymour (PSW)
Head of RS
Mr S Prenderville (SPR)
Deputy Head of RS
Mr S Naughten (SNU)
Mrs P Crow (PCR)
Head of Sociology
Mrs E Watts (EWA)
Mrs P Crow (PCR)
Head of Sociology
Mr T Crosby (TCR), Director of Performing ArtsPerforming Arts
Ms T Papadopoullos (TPA)
Head of Art
Ms G Warwick (GWA)
Mr T Crosby (TCR)
Drama/Performing Arts
Miss D King (DKI)
Phoenix Academy Lead
Mrs A Crawford (ACR)
Mrs G Mathews (GMA)
Mr R Hunt (RHU)
Head of PE
Ms K Rowlands (KRO)
Lead Practitioner
Ms S Andrews (SAN)
Mr A Donghi (AND)
Mr C Lakole (CLA)
Mrs E Meads (EMA)
Mr S Tilbury (STL)
Miss R Willis (RWI)
Other Key Staff
Mr J Demetriou
Business Manager
Mr R Smith
Director of Inclusion
Mrs K Senturk
Office Manager
Mrs K Gaulton
Careers Lead & Careers Adviser