Family Support
St Mary’s CE High School is the lead school for the Broxbourne, Cheshunt and Waltham Cross (BCW) School Partnership consisting of a small team of highly trained family support workers committed to supporting the local community Alison Royce: School Family Support Coordinator The BCW Family support team provide high quality support for the benefit of children, young people and families in the Borough of Broxbourne. We are employed by St Mary’s School and, in part, funded by Hertfordshire County Council to provide family support for families. Support is available to all families whose children attend one of our partnership schools as listed below: Support can be provided directly by Family Support Workers, or they can signpost to other agencies, on topics such as money advice; support with housing; understanding and accessing benefits; managing challenging behaviour; domestic abuse; family breakdown; bereavement and support with mental health Family support Workers are able to work with parents/carers to provide support, as well as working directly with pupils/students if needed providing a holistic approach Parents/carers can self -refer for support. The school can refer parents/carers and this is done with the full agreement of the parent/carer. For more information or to make a referral, please call Alison Royce on 01992 412647 or email Alison.royce@st-maryshigh.herts.sch.ukSt Mary’s High School’s Christian Ethos is that “We are the rich soil in which seeds flourish and roots grow”. In line with the ethos of the school, Governors are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s serves the local community by being at the centre of the local community.
BCW Schools Partnership
Gail Marino: Senior Family Support Worker
How can I be supported by a Family Support Worker?
Please see below information regarding a variety of upcoming Parenting Courses.
Counselling, CBT and solution-focused therapy