Welcome to Our Distinctive Sixth Form
Every Student in St Mary’s Sixth Form & Leadership Centre is valued and treated as an individual. Students have access to personalised courses and learning experiences that promote the highest standards of academic attainment, personal and social development.
We set high standards and expectations, encouraging and supporting students to be ambitious about achieving their full potential. Students benefit from a distinctive and unique curriculum provision giving opportunities for achieving a broad range of accreditations and experiences to support all career progression routes. This section of our website provides a comprehensive range of information about our Sixth Form but for more information please contact admin@st-maryshigh.herts.sch.uk Prospective applicants, particularly those who attend other schools, are encouraged to visit St Mary’s to meet staff and tour our school and sixth form facilities. To book a visit, please contact the Administration team on 01992 629124. We look forward to welcoming you to our inspiring learning community.Our Sixth Form & Leadership Centre offers: