Key Stage 4
Students will generally study GCSE/L2 courses for two years and will take their final examinations at the end of Year 11. The School does not generally enter students early for examinations as this does not always allow students to achieve their target grades. Teaching is delivered to sets in some core subjects and in mixed ability classes in all other subjects. Alternative education courses are also offered to students in consultation with parents/carers where it is deemed appropriate. These courses involve attendance at college, work related learning and work experience placements.Students in Years 10 and 11 have personal timetables that comprise of compulsory subjects of English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science, ICT, PE/Games and RS/Philosophy & Ethics. Up to four subjects are chosen by the student to make up a personalised curriculum programme.
Key Stage 4 Progression Booklet
The links will not become live until 5pm on 12 March 2024.Key Stage 4 Pathway Option Forms
As part of the wider curriculum provision offer students will learn about Life in Modern Briton and British Values. This has always been an important aspect of our curriculum, but now will receive more emphasis in line with recent Government directives. Life in Modern Britain will be included in the programmes of study for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), SMSC, Citizenship, Humanities and Religious Studies. Student support days and special curriculum events, that include visiting speakers and focused workshops, provide enrichment and further opportunities to study British Values and how they impact on life in Modern Britain. (See Curriculum Booklet by clicking on link above). Students will be supported to make informed decisions about the progression pathways beyond Key Stage 4. The majority of students will progress onto Sixth Form courses.Life in Modern Britain & Cross Curricular Themes
Preparing for Key Stage 5/Sixth Form