Laptops & Study Aids
The Sixth Form Package supports study and learning in the sixth form. The Pack comprises of a range of items:
A laptop supports ‘anytime learning’. This means that students can work independently in school and at home. Students will be provided with a laptop that is linked to the school intranet and Internet so that they can study anywhere in the school. A locker provides a personal secure space for the storage of the student laptop and also for personal valuable items such as a mobile phone. A locker will support personal organisation and allow the storage of books, files and study equipment when not in use For each Level 3 course that is studied by a sixth form student, a key text book will be provided. This will provide the opportunity for the student to annotate or use to support study away from school. Sixth form students are expected to wear business dress and in order to protect clothes during practical lessons, students studying Science, Technology or Art will be provided with a lab coat or apron. These are the same as those which will need to be worn in a working laboratory or the work place. When Sixth Form students have non-contact time (time that is not timetabled for lessons), they can choose from a variety of dedicated study spaces around the school in which to study independently, with a study partner or as part of a small study group. In order to facilitate study and active research, students will be able to access Wi-Fi throughout the school building allowing them to use their laptops at any time. All sixth form students have a personal school email address. This allows students to communicate safely and professionally with their staff. Email is regularly used by students to ask questions, respond to extended work/homework, to exchange comments with other students and submit work to teachers and documents to tutors. In addition, students can use this ‘professional’ email address when making applications for university, apprenticeships or employment. Students are encouraged to make visits to explore options for progression to university ahead of making a UCAS application or an application for apprenticeship or employment. Providing the opportunity for students to ask for reimbursement of travel costs up to £50 will ensure that all students have the potential to attend up to three universities/other appropriate training place cost free.Laptop
A secure locker for personal belongings and valuables
One key text book supplied for each L3 course studied, for personal use
Professional Personal Protection Equipment (eg lab coat for Scientists and an apron for Technologists and Artists)
Access to Wi Fi (to support Internet use for study/research)
Personal school email address (to support communication with tutors and subject staff)
Reimbursement for education related travel to the value of £50 to support university visits whilst in the sixth form