Parent View
In this way leaders and managers can understand how well we are performing according to parents/carers. Ofsted inspectors also use this web based survey in the evaluation of a school during an inspection visit. When Ofsted last visited the school in October 2023, they reviewed ParentView surveys and referenced them in the School’s Ofsted report (available direct from Ofsted website of on this website under Reports) All parents/carers are asked to complete the on line survey and to update it as appropriate. The survey has twelve questions that parents/carers need to respond to and this involves marking the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement. It should only take a few minutes to complete. Parent View website can be accessed by clicking on this link. Please note that you will need to register your email address before accessing the survey. Parents/carers who do not have access to a PC and/or who would like a paper copy of the survey should contact the school and make this request via the Head Teacher’s PA. Parents/carers who wish to discuss any aspect of the school’s work, or to provide more detailed feedback, can do so by making an appointment with a senior member of staff. Thank you very much to all parents/carers who have already provided us with feedback which is always gratefully received. To access the Parentview website please click on the link here PARENTVIEWParent View is an important way for the School to receive feedback about it’s work. Governors and senior staff use the feedback from parents/carers collected via Parent View when reviewing the school improvement plans.