Integer – Stories Inspired by Number
Just before Christmas we promoted the ‘Young Writers’ competition titled, Integer.
Students were asked to write a short story based on or around numbers and do so in exactly 100 words. It may sound easy but it takes good writing skills to construct a story in such a small word count. Stories were submitted online and, having now received word from the organisers, I am delighted to tell you that eighteen of our students’ stories have been selected for publication! Once permission has been granted by parent/carers their stories will appear in book format which is a compilation of all winning entries.
All winners are given the opportunity to buy their own copy to keep at home but a copy will also be available in the LRC for all students to view. Winners came from years 7- 10 and we are enormously proud of their achievement. Please join me in congratulating the following students: Kai, Igor, Aleyna , Zain, Taylan, Tuana, Natasha (all Year 7), Gabriella (Year 8), Elisa, Antreas, Eliana, Joseph, Arda, Zam, Stephanie, Ria (all Year 9), Natasha and Sarah (Year 10).