Special Education Needs (SEN)
The Inclusion Team is based in the Student Centre and are led by the Director of Inclusion and the Assistant Director of Inclusion. We have a very experienced team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), Lead LSAs and Aspire Mentors at St Mary’s who provide support in the Student Centre, in classrooms and with school activities including fieldwork and offsite visits. There is a wide range of strategies that are used at St Mary’s to support students who have learning needs. The School is proud of its inclusion agenda and the success that staff achieve when working with students who have challenges with their learning. A copy of the Schools Information Report (SIR) that outlines how we support students with SEN, can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. It is important that all students make good to outstanding progress in their learning and the Inclusion Team will track students who have identified learning needs or who may be vulnerable to underachievement. The team will work to support students to become independent learners and being successful in their learning. Interventions, for example, a literacy or numeracy group, are put in place if a student is at risk of falling behind. In some cases, students will receive additional support to that which is offered in lessons. This may be because students have learning needs, speech, language and communication difficulties and/or social, emotional or behavioural needs that are a barrier to learning. In these circumstances, the Inclusion Team will provide additional support for those students in the form of literacy, numeracy or emotional and social interventions. At times it may be appropriate for some students to be given additional support in registration periods or to be taken out of a linear subject for a limited period eg six weeks. In some cases, students may be disapplied from a linear subject so that they can access intervention programmes such as emotional literacy, reading and writing progress units, social skills workshops, behaviour modification programmes or numeracy support. All interventions are evaluated for the impact they have had on students’ progress and personal development. Parent/carers will be consulted when additional support is put in place for a student and will be informed of the progress that students have made. Tips and Hints when working with students who have additional needs A copy of the School’s SEN Information Report (SEN SIR) can be downloaded below:The Inclusion Team supports students who will benefit from additional support for their learning. This includes students who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), specific learning needs, are on the additional needs register (ANR) or who may be vulnerable to underachievement.