KS3 Inclusion
In some cases, students will receive additional support for that which is offered in lessons. This may be for a range of reasons including because students’ have learning needs, for example, speech, language and communication difficulties. Some students will have social, emotional or behavioural needs that are a barrier to learning. The Inclusion Team will provide additional support for those students deemed to need it in the form of literacy, numeracy or emotional and social interventions. At times it may be appropriate for some students to be given additional support in registration periods or taken out of a linear subject for a six week period. In some cases, students maybe disapplied from a linear subject so that they can access interventions such as: emotional literacy, the Ruth Miskin reading programme, reading and writing progress units, social skills workshops, behaviour modification programmes or numeracy support. All interventions are evaluated for effectiveness and what impact they have had on students’ progress and personal development. Parent/carers will be consulted when additional support is put in place for a student and will be informed of the progress that students have made. There is an extensive programme of study support that runs in the Student Centre. A summary of the programme is provided below. Morning and Lunch time drop in Hi 5 literacy Club Wordshark Club Numbershark Club Paired Reading GCSE Reading REAL Talk Lego Breakfast Talkabout TIGERS Science Club Football Focus Emoji Club Satellite Club Walk a Mile Extended learningThe Inclusion Team supports students who will benefit from additional help with their learning. It is important that all students make good to outstanding progress in their learning and the Inclusion Team aims to support students become independent learners and be successful in their learning.
For any student:
A quiet space for students who want to sit and play board games or use the Lego; LSA and computers available to help with homework tasks. Open every morning from 7.30 – 8.15am (with toast and juice available!) and lunchtimes in the Student Centre.
A Literacy Club based on an established phonics programme and lead by trained Hi5 staff, which is designed to stimulate and challenge students thinking and create lifelong readers and writers, runs two mornings a week. The students are assessed prior to starting the programme, to ensure that they start at the correct level.
The idea of the club is to encourage and develop student’s spelling skills, through interactive games and multisensory ICT programmes. The programme has been personalised with activities to match their specific needs and it is over-learning and consolidation of skills through games.
The club is designed to encourage and develop student’s numeracy skills, through interactive games and multisensory ICT programmes. The programme has been personalised with activities to match their specific needs and it is over-learning and consolidation of skills through games.
The club encourages and develops reading skills,in order to improve a student’s ability to read more fluently. We will also be working on improving their word attack and decoding skills. Reading aloud is a recognised method of improving student’s reading skills and, combined with the support and encouragement of a partner, it can help them to access material that they may otherwise be unable to read by themselves.
This is a very small group or one-to-one session for students who may need additional reading rehearsal to ensure they can access the English language and GCSE reading paper independently.
Students who start at St. Mary’s with English as an Additional Language (EAL) will be invited to join a discussion group one morning a week. This will be to support their use of English and give them confidence to speak more in lessons and social times.
A small number of students are invited to build Lego creations along with their social skills. They will work with a specialist LSA.
A small number of students will be invited to have breakfast together, play team work games and improve their social skills and confidence.
The idea of the club is to encourage and develop good social interaction skills through games and activities within a small group of other students with a trained speech and language LSA who has been working with our speech and language therapist. The aim is to support students improve their self-expression and self-confidence; the idea being that they have the appropriate skills to resolve any issues that arise themselves.
The idea of the club is to encourage and develop their fine and gross motor skills and co-ordination through games and activities in a small group led by one of our Learning Support Assistants. Occasionally they will go to the hall, gym or outside for PE type activities.
A club students who may need to go over information they have been taught in science lessons, to help them consolidate their learning and to enable them have further opportunities to ask questions and access kinaesthetic teaching resources.
A football club to help students develop organisational skills, resilience and team work through football.
A fun games club to help students improve their working memory and organisational skills to help them work towards becoming independent learners.
Peer support group with students selected to be members supporting another student.
Supporting students to improve fitness and social skills.
Weekly support for students who struggle with organising their extended learning tasks.