When using the Internet:
The internet has an overwhelming amount of resources for revision but needs to be used wisely. You need to remember, just because something is on a web page it is not necessarily reliable information.
There are many useful sites, as the list below suggests. However, it is important you do not waste time simply reading and scrolling up and down the page.
You can:
- Have a pen and paper ready and do the activities which are suggested
- Copy information into a programme of your choice and underline key words, delete less important sentences, cut and paste key words etc.
- The emphasis must be on making information your own – in the same way you must make your textbook notes your own.
In Summary:
- Short bursts of revision (30‑40 minutes) are most effective. Your concentration lapses after about an hour and you need to take a short break (5‑10 minutes). You should have started your revision programme and be spending at least 40 minutes each night revision content from year 10.
- Find a quiet place to revise ‑ your bedroom, school, the library etc and refuse to be interrupted or distracted.
- Make sure you don’t just revise the subjects and topics you like. Work on your weaker subjects as well.
- Make your own revision notes because you will remember what you have written down more easily. Stick key notes to cupboards or doors so you see them everyday.
- Review class books and ask yourself key questions regarding the information you have read. Answer the key questions you have asked set yourself from your reading. Retest yourself using those key questions regularly.
- Use different techniques. Make your own learning maps, use post‑it notes to write key words on, create flash cards. Record your notes on phones or tablets and listen to them back. Ask friends and family to test you. Use highlighter pens to mark important points. Chant or make up a song.
- Practise on past exam papers – Initially do one section at a time and progress to doing an entire paper against the clock.
- You will need help at some stage, ask parents/carers, older brothers and sisters, teachers or friends for help.
- Don’t get stressed out! Eat properly and get lots of sleep.
- Believe in yourself and be positive. If you think you can succeed you will have a better mentality towards the exam; if you convince yourself that you will fail, you may not achieve your best.
Remember that revision is not just an event before examinations; you should be reviewing your learning throughout your GCSE course and revisiting what you have learnt every 5 weeks – highlighting and reading is not an effective revision strategy on its own
Very useful links:
Creating effective revision cards: https://youtu.be/ApC0k-ahR4Q
Scientific revision tips: https://youtu.be/p60rN9JEapg
Creating effective mindmaps: https://youtu.be/u5Y4pIsXTV0