Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities are those activities and courses that are offered to sixth form students that are not linked directly to any academic course or accreditation.
Extracurricular activities can be chosen to support personal development eg LAMDA Public Speaking; contribute to personal experience eg a theatre visit. Students can take part in voluntary work in school or the community or because it is of particular interest to the student eg Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.
Extracurricular activities also support the development of a high quality curriculum vitae. All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and, whilst in the sixth form, take the opportunity to contribute to the school and wider community.
At St Mary’s a wide and varied programme of extracurricular activities is offered to support and extend students’ personal leadership and social development. These include:
- Senior Prefecture & Student Council Leadership
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Sports and outdoor activities
- Tutoring or mentoring younger students
- Music, including singing or learning an instrument
- Drama, including all aspects of performance and theatre production
- Voluntary work or work with charities
- Public Speaking
- Supporting reading/literacy programmes for younger students
- Tutoring (subject or general) in KS4 Study Club
- Student Union
Academy Programmes
St Mary’s offers a unique suite of Academy Programmes designed to extend and enhance students’ learning in an area of personal interest that might support either their career pathway or social interests in life after the Sixth Form. All students have access to one of the four specialist Academy programmes offered at St Mary’s that include:
Academy Programmes provide students with the opportunity to participate in extended learning or experience elite performance in their chosen specialism and run alongside their chosen academic courses.