About Our Members & Trustees
Members of St Mary’s CE Academy Trust
The current Members of the Trust are:
- The Venerable Janet Mackenzie: Archdeacon of Hertford, appointed to office 1/9/16.
- The Reverend Eugene Hanshaw: the Incumbent. appointed to office 22/07/19.
- Mr David Morton: Representative from the Diocese Board of Education, appointed to office 1/1/16. (Director of Education for Diocese of St Albans, Director of Diocese of St Alban MAT)
- Mrs Sarah Willis: Chair of Governors of St Mary’s CE High School, from 7th March 2022.
All governors serve for a term of four years. The Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually and serve a term of one year at a time.
The current governors (trustees) are for Academic Year 2023/2024:
- Sarah Willis (Chair of Governors): Parent Governor appointed by election. Current period of office 07/03/2022 to 06/03/2026. (No pecuniary interests declared)
- Maureen Bruce: Foundation Governor appointed into office by the Diocese of St Albans. Current period of office 1/7/15 to 2/11/2024 (extended). (Interest declared as a Trustee of a London Children’s Charity)
- Revd Eugene Hanshaw: Foundation Governor (Ex Officio Governor) (Joint Vice Chair of Governors). Appointed 22/7/19. (Interest declared, Governor of local primary school)
- Pat Higgins: Foundation Governor (St Mary the Virgin Church). Current period of office 24/6/19 to 23/6/2023. (No pecuniary interests declared)
- Rev Canon Teresa Wynne: Foundation Governor (Christchurch). Current period of office 10/11/2021 to 09/11/2025. Interest declared, Chair of Governors of local primary school.
- Peter Chorley: Foundation Governor (Dewhurst Trust) (Joint Vice Chair of Governors). Current period of office 17/1/19 to 16/1/2027 (extended). (Interest declared a member of the Dewhurst Trust foundation, Borough of Broxbourne Councillor)
- Lorraine Cole: Parent / Carer Governor elected into office by parents/carers of the Academy. Current period of office 11/1/20 to 19/1/2024. (No pecuniary interests declared other than a parent of current students)
- Hayley Ford: Staff Governor elected into office by the staff of the Academy. Current period of office 01/01/2024 to 21/12/2028. (No pecuniary interests declared other than a current member of staff)
- Louise Douglas: Staff Governor elected into office by the staff of the Academy. Current period of office 1/7/19 to 30/6/2023. (No pecuniary interests declared other than a current member of staff)
- Richard Vaughan: Staff Governor (Head Teacher as ex officio governor).
- Judith Bundock: Clerk to the Governing Body
The full governing body meets 5 times a year.
The Finance and Resources Committee is a sub-committee of the main governing body. Its purpose is to be responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of the system of internal financial control operating within the School, as well as audit and risk management.