In MFL, ten Year 10 students had the opportunity to visit the Modern and Medieval Languages Faculty at the University of Cambridge on 20th June, where they experienced first-hand what language learning at university feels like.

They started the day with a lecture in translation about a very popular Spanish movie “Ocho apellidos vascos” that focusses on cultural differences within Spain. This was followed by a lecture on poetry by one of the professors in the faculty, she showed that language learning also includes other cultural aspects such as politics, history, geography and society. As a language taster session, students learnt the basic greetings and family members in Arabic and they really enjoyed practising the pronunciation. At the end of the day, they also had the opportunity to have questions answered by current Cambridge students about anything to do with study at university. Our students took this opportunity, engaged really well in all of the sessions and made us very proud!

Well done to our Y10 Sports Leaders who supported with Churchfield Primary School’s recent sports day.

Students roles on the day included:

  • Supporting individual students in events
  • Helping to run events
  • Setting up and moving equipment
  • Position placement in races

The Y10s were great ambassadors for St Mary’s with Churchfield School staff congratulating them on how well they worked with the younger students and supported with the event.

The primary school students loved their sports day and our students learned a lot from working with them and helping to lead events.


Thank you to the brilliant group of Year 7 students who participated in the Languages Club 2022-2023.

The club was designed to promote diversity, awareness, and appreciation of different cultures in our school setting. Our Languages Club was a friendly, and supportive place for our students to share and learn a little about other languages in our school community. Students practised different language skills, explored various aspects of different cultures, learned about popular celebrations, music, dancing and craft activities.

Ms Salgado, MFL Department

On the only cold day in June so far the year 10 Geography students carried out their GCSE human fieldwork around the Olympic Park area.

Despite the cold, students focused brilliantly and were able to identify key trends in data to support their GCSE exam. Students were a credit to themselves and received very positive comments from members of the public who they were surveying.

STEM stands for ‘Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths’ and recently the STEM club students have been doing activities in Textiles.