Theatre Visits
On 2nd March, the year 11 GCSE and year 13 A Level Drama students went to see the latest production of the play Medea at the amazing new theatre, SohoPlace.
Students were able to see how the professionals do it, with the great Sophie Okonedo and Ben Daniels in the main roles. Students were impressed with the staging in the round production as well as how the actors portrayed their characters, experience and inspiration they can use in their own performance work.
On 14th March, it was the year 10 GCSE Drama group to go to the theatre – They went to see the production of Teechers Leavers ’22 based on the play by John Godber at Harlow Playhouse. There were three actors on stage throughout with them multi rolling all the additional student and teacher characters, completely changing their vocal and physical skills to play their different characters to hilarious extents. Also, an interesting look at the role of drama in schools, which is still relevant today.
Year 7 Drama work
Year 7’s have been busy working on their Ancient Greek Theatre projects, including learning about the origins, style, purpose, stories, theatres, learning chorus lines in scripts and devising drama. Having been with us since September they have greatly developed their confidence and ability to work collaboratively and creatively together and are enjoying the challenges and outlet drama offers. They have explored the gruesome ancient story of Medea – please ask them about their work
Year 8 Drama work
‘Do you want to be my Blood Brother Eddie?’ Year 8’s have been busy exploring the text Blood Brothers, staging extracts of the script, learning lines, exploring characters, looking to how they can make choices with their physical and vocal skills to bring their characters alive and what they want the audience to think and feel at key points in the text. It’s been lovely to see such enthusiasm and commitment to their work and to also see some of our year 8’s who might be a little shy about performing, getting up and being proud of their achievements.
Year 9 Drama work
The year 9 Drama students have been exploring the world and style of Bertolt Brecht, an influential theatre practitioner in the 20th century who wanted to use theatre to help highlight societal issues and possibly help to change society. They’ve been using his techniques including using placards, sharing the narration, speaking directly to the audience and multi rolling in their work. They have recently been thinking about whether to take drama further into year 10 as one of their options – whether or not they choose it, they continue to work collaboratively together and create imaginative drama work with confidence.
KS3 Drama production
In the summer term, the Drama department will be working with KS3 & 4 students in extra curricular work on a production of the school version of the play Matilda. Parts will be cast before Easter and work will start after that break. Parents/Carers will be invited in to see this work which is on 6th and 7th July.