Maths Achievement Awards
The maths team have launched a half termly celebration to honour the hard work and dedication over the course of the year named “Mathematician of the moment”.
Every student has a chance to be nominated by their teachers, who will be looking for acts of high effort, going the extra mile in and out of the maths classroom.
Congratulations to this half terms nominations:
Uzziah, Koneil, Nicole Yvie, Anne-Marie, Saida, Efe, Maddison, Troiquon, Kaylan, Davita, Mia, Noah, Kairu, Imogen, Haydar, Tyler, Oligert, Shumaila, Rosie, Yigit, Taylan, Peter-John and Scarlett.
Below are some of the quotes for this half terms winners:
“She tries her best in every lesson and her effort is paying off. She is getting better in every lesson.”
“For being naturally curious and motivated to understand mathematical concepts by asking a lot of questions and exploring ideas.”
“Yvie has made a fantastic start to the year, She focusses on her work, and completes practice to the best of her ability.”