St Mary’s is a GOOD School

We are today able to share with you the wonderful news that Ofsted has rated our school as Good across all five areas of review (Quality of Education, Behaviour, Personal Development, Sixth Form and Leadership & Management).

The Lead Inspector who visited the school with three fellow inspectors made many very positive comments about the quality of what we are providing for your children at St Mary’s, and although we urge you to read the full report.

We would like to share some of his most significant comments with you here:

The school has a well-designed, ambitious curriculum. This is evident in the good quality of pupils’ learning demonstrated in lessons and in their books.”

“Pupils live up to leaders’ expectations of their behaviour. Pupils follow the well-established routines in lessons and usually focus on learning.” 

Pupils are proud of their school. Those in attendance at the previous inspection notice and speak positively about improvements happening at their school.

“Pupils speak confidently about reaching their career aspirations because the school prepares them well for adult life.” 

Pupils are taught how to live healthy lifestyles.”

The school supports pupils well to maintain positive mental health while dealing with whatever issues they face.

“Governors carry out their duties well. They hold leaders to account effectively for the school’s work.”

“Safeguarding is effective.”

This is the moment that all our staff, the senior leaders and the governors of the school have been working so hard to achieve since our last inspection four years ago. It is a recognition of all that we have achieved, with your support and the hard work and commitment of our children since we were rated as Requires Improvement in 2019.

Please share this wonderful news with your friends and family, and be very proud of your children and their hard work and great attitude which helped us to achieve this rating.