STEM clubs week 2023
Back in April, all year 8 students participated in the NHS competition “Step into the NHS” submitting projects in the form of a job advert for careers in the NHS.
Matilda W. received a highly commended certificate for her entry St Mary’s participated in the STEM clubs week 2023 “Desmistifying AI”: students watched webinars, in Science lessons taught by experts in the area and the school participated in a live debate sending a set of questions to the panel. One of these questions were put to the panel: How close is technological singularity and what will this mean for us as a society? You can watch the discussion here: STEM Clubs Week 2023 | AI, the world and you: the live debate and find our question from minute 57. STEM club finished for another year.
Students received participation certificates. Gold for those that attended 85% or more sessions and Silver for those that attended to at least 50 % sessions. In total, 25 students participated in STEM sessions. Each session had on average 13 students. We have done lots of engaging experiments linked with the outside world:
- IT – “Finance and Excel”, “Creating Google drive”, “Creating your own business”;
- Textiles – “Designing a t-shirt”;
- Physics and Engineering – “standard egg drop”, “building with spaghetti”, “sundial”, “paper plane making”;
- Space – “mission to Mars”, “Life on Mars”, “rocket launch”;
- Chemistry – “Iodine clock”, “pH rainbow2;
- Biology – “looking for tardigrades” , “DNA extraction”.