Unsolved – Young Writers

Just before the summer break we promoted the ‘Young Writers’ competition entitled, ‘Unsolved’.

Students were asked to write a short story based on or around mystery and crime and needed to do so in exactly 100 words. It is a difficult task to tell an entire story in 100 words so we really should praise these students for their amazing work.  Entries were submitted online and, having now received word from the organisers, I am delighted to tell you that two of our students’ stories have been selected for publication! Once permission has been granted by parent/carers their stories will appear in book format which is a compilation of all winning entries. All winners are given the opportunity to buy their own copy to keep at home but a copy will also be available in the LRC for all students to view. Our winners came from years 9 & 10 and we are enormously proud of their achievement. Please join me in congratulating Gabriella and Zam.