On the Wednesday 31st January, 26 Year 10 and 4 Year 9 mathematicians took part in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge. This national challenge consists of 25 maths problems, which test students’ logical thinking, ability to problem solve, and extension of understanding to the mathematical ideas they cover in their maths lessons.


Our Bronze awards winners were Talliah (Yr 9), Maya, Jason, Rafael, Aaron, Efe, Jakub and Johan (Yr 10)

Our Silver awards winner was Jahara (Yr 10)

Well done to all those that participated! For anyone who would like to take part next year, the UKMT website has a comprehensive collection of past papers which can be used for practice. These challenges are meant to be fun, and are meant to push you out of your comfort zone, so they are an excellent resource for students who enjoy a challenge.

Ahead of next week’s British Science Week we had received a visit of STEM ambassador Dr Andrew Cornish, engineer at the National Rail network to deliver a lecture on “Railways and Science”. A very fruitful morning!

Well done to the Year 7 & Year 8 girls football team who were narrowly defeated by Leventhorpe school.

The final score was 3-2, with St Mary’s not able to capitalise on the many chances they had throughout the game, hitting the post twice as well as missing some clear cut chances to extend their 2-0 lead in the first half.

There were some excellent individual performances as well as great team work and encouragement from all who played.

Well done to the whole squad: Frankie, Alexia, Sofia, Andra, Yasmin, Itohan, Filomena, Michaela, Kheira, Eva, Kayla, Ruby, Chelsea, Shumaila and Rihana.

Ms Andrews


Our two Young Enterprise teams, Embrace (selling bracelets) and ReCorked Charm (selling sustainable products from cork) attended a trade fair at the Atria Shopping Centre in Watford where they competed against other schools whilst selling directly to the public.

Despite the earlier Saturday morning start the teams were bright and alert and once we arrived they immediately managed to set up their stalls ready for a full day of selling. Throughout the day the students faced many different potential customers and they were consistently polite and engaging and sales were soon taking place with many products nearly selling out.

During the event presentations our team ReCorked Charm won the Best Trade Stand Award which was well deserved as it looked incredibly professional and customers were drawn to their stall to see what they were selling. Our team Embrace had a very successful day, with a high number of sales resulting in excellent profits for their business.

Both teams are working towards another trade sale with the aim to attend the Area Final at the end of April. We are incredibly proud of them and wish them luck getting into the final.

We are thrilled to share the outstanding achievements of our Year 10 students during their recent work experience week. This invaluable opportunity provided them with hands-on exposure to the professional world, fostering essential skills and boosting their confidence for future pathways.

Throughout the week, students honed various skills vital for success in any career path. One notable area of development was communication. By interacting with professionals in diverse settings, students learned to articulate their ideas effectively, listen actively, and collaborate with colleagues. These communication skills are fundamental not only in the workplace but also in everyday life.

Additionally, the experience emphasised the importance of timekeeping and organisation. Students navigated demanding schedules, met deadlines, and managed tasks efficiently. By mastering these essential skills, they gained a deeper understanding of the importance of discipline and prioritisation, qualities that are highly valued in any profession.

Moreover, the feedback from employers has been overwhelmingly positive, reaffirming the students’ remarkable contributions and adaptability in the workplace. Employers praised their aptitude, quick understanding of tasks, and exceptional work ethic. Quotes such as, “one of the best work experience students we’ve ever had,” and “they’re better than many of the agency staff we’ve been getting,” underscore the students’ outstanding performance and professionalism.

It is evident that work experience plays a vital role in shaping students’ career aspirations and preparing them for the realities of the professional world. By providing them with real-world exposure, we empower our students to make informed decisions about their future paths.

At St Mary’s, we are committed to offering a comprehensive careers education program that equips students with the skills and understanding necessary to thrive in their chosen fields. Work experience is an integral part of this program, enabling students to explore various career options, build networks, and develop essential employability skills.

As one of our students stated, “it couldn’t be any better; it was the best week.” We are immensely proud of our students’ achievements and remain dedicated to supporting them on their journey toward success.


Our Year 10 students had a fantastic opportunity to get a head start on their journey into the working world with their Wexability Day. It was a day packed with practical advice and hands-on activities to equip them for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

First off, we had Kate Carter, Head of Apprenticeship Training at iSales, sharing her insights into the world of apprenticeships. Kate’s presentation wasn’t just informative; it was eye-opening. She gave us a glimpse into the array of apprenticeship options available and offered valuable tips on how our students can stand out from the crowd with their CVs and impress potential employers with their skills and attitude.

Following Kate’s inspiring talk, our students dived into a series of workshops aimed at polishing their job-seeking skills. From crafting compelling CVs to mastering the art of interviews, they were given the tools they need to confidently navigate the job market.

But it wasn’t all about landing the job—our students also learned about the importance of health and safety in the workplace and their rights as young employees. This vital information not only empowers them to navigate their upcoming work experience placements with confidence but also fosters a culture of responsibility and conscientiousness.

At St Mary’s, we believe in preparing our students not just academically but also for life beyond the classroom. The Wexability Day was a prime example of how we’re committed to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to thrive in the real world.

As these Year 10 students embark on their forthcoming work experience journeys, they do so armed with not just theoretical knowledge but practical skills and a profound understanding of the professional landscape.

Another eagerly anticipated visit from St. Mary’s beloved therapy dog, Godfrey, was orchestrated to coincide with ‘Feeling Good Week’, spanning from February 5th to 9th. Godfrey, a sprightly 6-year-old Border Collie, along with his devoted owner Pam, generously dedicate their time to volunteering with Therapy Dogs Nationwide. This esteemed national charity facilitates visits by trained volunteers and their temperament-tested canine companions to various establishments, offering solace, diversion, and stimulation. Extensive research has underscored the benefits of Animal Assisted Therapies, ranging from bolstered overall health and wellbeing to heightened confidence and enhanced communication skills. Notably, Therapy Dogs Nationwide is increasingly recognised for its role in organising stress-relief sessions and fostering general wellbeing within educational and corporate settings. Godfrey’s palpable enthusiasm for his role shines through in his interactions with both staff and students during group sessions. The profound sense of calm and relaxation experienced by all participants following their time with Godfrey is a testament to the invaluable contribution he makes to their wellbeing.

“Feeling Good Week”, a Hertfordshire-wide initiative, is dedicated to promoting the emotional well-being of young people by raising awareness of mental health and showcasing available support within the community. In celebration of this important event, St. Mary’s organised a series of engaging activities during students’ lunchtimes.

Entitled ‘In Harmony with Nature,’ these activities were designed to nurture an understanding and appreciation of biodiversity, instil kindness towards wildlife, and foster responsible interaction with the natural world. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a more harmonious and sustainable relationship with our environment.

Led by the dedicated Wellbeing Team and supported by trained student Wellbeing Ambassadors, a variety of activities were offered. As well as the usual popular board games, colouring and origami there were opportunities to make nest boxes, construct bug hotels, decorate and embellish feeders and water containers. Alongside this, spring bulbs were planted in containers and then distributed to form rooms for ongoing care and nurturing, symbolising a collective commitment to both individual and environmental well-being.

Year 8 Girls football

Well done to the Year 8 girls football team who came 3rd in the District 6-A-Side football tournament.

There were lots of great performances, the team showed versatility having to play in a number of different positions, including Goalkeeper.

Blustery winds and playing on astro turf made conditions quite difficult, but the girls adapted well and played with determination in every match.

Well done to the whole squad:

Selin, Sofia, Shumaila, Frankie, Eva, Andra, Rihana and Yasmin

Ms Andrews


We are proud to congratulate our latest cohort of Scholars on their graduation from the programme this year. As part of the programme they have received weekly seminars with a University Tutor and had to complete a final assignment. Twenty-eight students in Years 8 and Year 10 graduated this year, with many receiving the top grades in their final assignment.

To celebrate their success the Scholars visited Christ College, University of Cambridge. During the visit they attended an Information, Advice and Guidance session about applying to University, heard from current University students and toured the college. This culminated in a graduation ceremony.

We are incredibly proud of the success of our students and are looking forward to our Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts starting in the summer.